Mikhail Kuznetsov, lecturer at GSCM RANEPA, Associate Professor of the Department of Corporate Governance, became one of 104 winners of the Leaders of Russia competition.
M. Kuznetsov teaches at the Executive MBA and Euromanagement - MBA RANEPA programs, delivers courses of lectures "Corporate Governance" and "Management".
M. Kuznetsov shared his impressions:
“The Leaders of Russia competition is a wonderful “quest” for a practicing manager. Complex non-trivial tasks, team work, mentorship of the country`s best managers - all this creates a unique atmosphere, similar to the Olympics. At the same time, absolutely all participants note the honesty, transparency of the competition rules and clear, pre-announced criteria and rules. From the first stage to completion, suspense is maintained.
I am very grateful to the organizers for the opportunity to see so many caring, talented, active people who not only want, but are also able to change the country for the better, uniting like-minded people around them for this. In the final, there really is a “headhunt”, which means that the assessment and selection methodology arouses interest and trust in business and government.”
One of the competition tasks was the Leader`s Heart social project, which attracted a lot of attention from managers to the development of volunteer social initiatives in the country. All regions were covered, thousands of people were involved; many teams, including the team of M. Kuznetsov, plan to develop the projects in the future. According to Mikhail, this task allowed each participant to be tested for the ability to not only solve tests in a short time, but also to show their organizational skills.

“Our team prepared and implemented an excellent project to develop the skills of “techno-entrepreneurs” in high school students. As part of the project, a special business simulator for managing a company was developed. We have already decided that we will definitely continue the project even after the end of the competition - it aroused great interest among potential partners. I believe that all the participants of the “Leaders of Russia”, who are involved in management, have received a huge benefit for their professional and personal development, enjoyed this competition and networked with hundreds of resourceful, strong-minded people!”
M. Kuznetsov worked for more than 10 years on the boards of directors and committees of Russian companies in the financial industry, energy, and transport. Mikhail has over 15 years of experience in investment and management consulting. He is the founder and executive director of the National Association of Corporate Directors, which unites more than 500 members of the boards of directors of the largest Russian companies. Member of the Expert Council under the Federal Property Management Agency, the Expert Council under the Central Bank for Corporate Governance. PhD in Economics, author of 3 books and more than 15 publications on corporate governance and strategic management.
GSCM sincerely congratulates Mikhail Kuznetsov on his victory in the competition and wishes their colleague further growth, success and outstanding achievements!