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Bachelor's degree at GSCM RANEPA

Our benefits

Demand for graduates in the labor market

Early career start: 20% of the students are employed after the 2nd year, 45% after the 3rd, 70% after the 4th. 95% of the graduates work according to their qualifications, and at least 5% set up their own business. There is an opportunity to defend the Graduate Qualification Work in the form of a startup. Faculty practitioners and business education graduates are involved in the process of bachelors' employment.

Language training

Business operations and business negotiations skills with foreign partners in a foreign language. English language specialization according to the program profile. Studying core disciplines in English. Second foreign language (German, Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese). Language internships in various countries. Opportunity for exchange studies at universities in Europe and Asia. TOEIC certification. Opportunity to prepare and pass IELTS

International programs and internships

GSCM undergraduate students have the opportunity to study abroad. We organize internships, field seminars, exchange programs with universities and business schools in Germany, Italy, Ireland, Spain, Greece, Poland, Finland, Bulgaria, China and India. Online training at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. International programs are partially funded by the faculty.

Program faculty

Professors and PhDs, renowned scientists, representatives of leading Russian educational and scientific institutions, as well as practitioners from international and Russian organizations (EAEU, Insight Trust, Megapolis Group of Companies, FMLogistic, Navikon, Snegir-SOFT LLC, Miratorg LLC, Metalloinvest Management Company LLC, CompTek LLC, NextT LLC, Russian Agency for Warehouse Service and Distribution) deliver their author’s courses.

Applied Information Technology

Focus on the study of digital technologies, application software products:
Project Expert
1C Accounting
Qlik View
Qlik Sense
Qlik View Qlik Sense

Practice-oriented education and internship for students

Studying the best Russian and foreign management practices at regular master classes by company managers and specialists: PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Deloitte, Coca-Cola HBC Russia, Kuehne&Nagel, FM Logistic, Fesco, Itella, X5 Retail Group, RZD-Logistics, Nawinia, Next -T, GEON, METRO Cash&Carry, X5 Retail Group, Verny, Magnit, Sberbank, Rostelecom, etc.

Student life and GSCM RANEPA Alumni Association

Students regularly take part in the events organized by GSCM and the Presidential Academy: scientific and practical conferences and publications of scientific articles, seminars, master classes and open lectures. Faculty-wide, university and international competitions. Interuniversity tournaments and federal Internet Olympiads.

International Commerce

Form of tuition: full-time
Duration: 4 years
Tuition fee: in 2021 - 330,000 ₽ / year
Basis: Budget/Contract
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We constantly monitor the rapid career growth of our students
Sergey Kalendzhyan
Dean of the Faculty "Graduate School of Corporate Management"

Logistics in Commerce

Form of tuition: full-time, part-time
Duration: 4 years
Tuition fee: in 2021 - 330,000 ₽ / year (full-time)
in 2022 – 250,000 ₽/year (part-time)
Basis: Budget/Contract
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Financial Management in International Business

Form of tuition: full-time
Duration: 4 years
Tuition fee: in 2021 - 315,000 ₽ / year
Basis: Budget/Contract
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Sales Technology and Digital Marketing

Form of tuition: full-time
Duration: 4 years
Tuition fee: in 2021 - 315,000 ₽ / year
Basis: Budget/Contract
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Commerce and Socially Responsible Entrepreneurship

Recruitment is planned for 2023

Form of tuition: full-time
Duration: 4 years
Tuition fee: TBA
Basis: Budget/Contract
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Business Digitalization and E-Commerce

Form of tuition: full-time
Duration: 4 years
Tuition fee: in 2021 - 315,000 ₽ / year
Basis: Budget/Contract
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Student internship

FM Logistic

FM Logistic (Эф-Эм Ложисти́к) основана во Франции в 1967 году, является независимой семейной логистической компанией. Оператор работает в 14 странах Европы, Азии и Латинской Америки, в России представлен с 1994 года.

РЖД Логистика

Обеспечивает высокотехнологичный и надежный сервис перевозки, хранения и экспедирования груза по всему миру, занимается организацией цепей поставок, комплексным логистическим обслуживанием промышленных предприятий, а также перевозками мелких партий груза.


Логистическая компания NAWINIA образовалась путем объединения нескольких крупных логистических компаний, существующих с конца 90-х годов прошлого столетия. Основным фокусом компании является высокое качество, которым мы хотим удивлять наших клиентов. Главным приоритетом компании является создание ценности для Вас в цепочках поставок, в странах СНГ, Юго-Восточной Азии, Европе и США. NAWINIA инвестирует в развитие собственной сервисной инфраструктуры в странах СНГ, Китае.

Россия: Владивосток

FESCO — является базовой компанией Транспортной группы FESCO — крупнейшего национального контейнерного оператора, объединяющего возможности оператора морского, железнодорожного, автомобильного транспорта, одновременно предоставляя услуги стивидорного обслуживания на собственных и сторонних грузовых терминалах в портах Владивостока, Санкт-Петербурга, Новороссийска и агентского обслуживания судов и грузоперевозчиков в различных портах мира через сеть собственных международных представительств.


Itella- Один из ведущих поставщиков логистических и складских услуг в России. Предоставляет полный комплекс складских услуг, вплоть до полного управления цепочкой поставок.

Х5 Ритейл Групп

X5 Group (ранее — X5 Retail Group) — российская розничная торговая компания, управляющая продуктовыми торговыми сетями «Пятёрочка», «Перекрёсток» и «Чижик», а также цифровыми бизнесами « Перекрёсток – дос... Перекрёсток», 5Post, «Много Лосося» и медиаплатформой Доля по выручке на российском рынке продуктовой розницы — 13,2 % (2022), 2-я по выручке российская частная компания (после «Лукойла» и перед «Магнитом», 2021) и 6-я по выручке в списке всех российских компаний (2021).

Price water house Coopers (PwC)

На 2011 год PwC объединяет более 161 000 специалистов из 154 стран мира. В Казахстане PwC открыла свою практику в 1993 году и в настоящее время имеет офисы в Астане и Алматы, насчитывая более 400 профессиональных экспертов. В России сеть фирм впервые появилась в 1913 году, а в 1989 году возобновила свою деятельность. Компания открыла офисы в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге, Южно-Сахалинске, Казани, Екатеринбурге и Владикавказе.

Extracurricular activities

Students can join the student council, supervise extracurricular activities, develop their leadership qualities and skills to implement their own social initiatives


Nina Andreeva
Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Lecturer in higher education programs at GSCM RANEPA
Svetlana Balakireva
PhD in Economics, Practitioner in higher education programs at GSCM RANEPA, Associate Professor of the Department of Technology of Foreign Trade Transactions of the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (VAVT), Federal Expert on Business communications in Export, Lecturer at the Export School of the Russian Export Center
Yaroslav Belousov
Lecturer-practitioner in higher education programs of GSCM RANEPA, head of the project department of JSC "FM LOGISTIC VOSTOK"
Vladislav Breusov
Practitioner in higher education programs at GSCM RANEPA, Head of the Forecasting and Distribution Department of the Commercial Directorate of JSC "RTK", MTS Group
Svetlana Gromova
Practitioner in higher education programs at GSCM RANEPA, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Finance and Monetary and Credit Relations of the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (VAVT)
Irina Gruzdeva
PhD, practitioner in higher education programs of GSCM RANEPA, Development Director of the Management Company "Mir Finansov"
Olga Gumilevskaya
GSCM Doctoral student, Head of International Projects and Accreditations, Lecturer in the Department of Corporate Governance of GSCM RANEPA
Fedor Dzivalkovsky
Practitioner in higher education programs at GSCM RANEPA, expert in sales development, including export, corporate management, strategic planning, financial analysis, budgeting, founder and CEO of INTER TRADE LLC
Lyudmila Dukanich
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of International Commerce at GSCM RANEPA
Elena Zavorina
PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Company Management at GSCM RANEPA
Gennady Zubakov
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Practitioner in higher education programs at GSCM RANEPA, Director of the International Logistics Club, Director of the NP "Innovative Logistics Center", President of the Association of Participants in Aviation and Air Transport Activities "Aerograd", Member of the Subcommittee on Logistics of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Member of the Board Guild of Logistics Operators at the RF MCCI, Member of the Customs Policy Council of the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry, etc.
Kristina Ivanenko Psychology, lecturer in higher and business education programs at GSCM RANEPA, associate professor at the Department of Acmeology at RANEPA, business psychology columnist, CEO of Psy.lab.FOCUS; Erickson International (Vancouver) certified coach
Victor Korolev
Doctor of Economics, professor, lecturer in GSCM undergraduate programs, head of the Department of Management and Marketing of the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (VAVT)
Maria Nikolaeva
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Lecturer in higher and business education programs at GSCM RANEPA
Vadim Perekrestov
Ph.D., lecturer in higher education programs at GSCM RANEPA, Associate Professor of the Department of Systems Analysis and Informatics of the Institute of Economics, Mathematics and Information Technologies of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, Program Director and Associate Professor of the Department of Business Process Management Systems of the Center "School of IT Management" of the RANEPA Institute of Economics, Mathematics and Information Technology under the President of the Russian Federation International Certified Expert in Digital Information Management (ECMs, IGs, TnMs AIIM Specialist)
Inga Protsenko
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of International Commerce, Lecturer in higher education programs at GSCM RANEPA
Oleg Pyastolov
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Lecturer in higher and business education programs at GSCM RANEPA
Irina Rasskazova
PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Corporate Governance of GSCM RANEPA, Lecturer in higher education programs at GSCM, business coach with expertise in key areas: company performance management, HR marketing, team coaching, project management, organizational design
Marina Romanova
PhD in Law, Practitioner in higher education programs at GSCM RANEPA, Advisor to the Department for the Functioning of Internal Markets of the Eurasian Economic Commission
Svetlana Khmelnitskaya
К PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Programs of GSCM RANEPA, Associate Professor of the Department of International Commerce, Academic Director of the Master's Programs "Management of Logistics Systems and Processes" and "Supply Chain Management & Global Logistics University of London"
Artem Shaposhnikov
PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer at the Department of International Commerce at GSCM RANEPA, Academic Supervisor of the Bachelor's Program "Digitalization of Business and Electronic Commerce", General Director of SNEGIR SOFT LLC (a subsidiary of Rosneft), financier, marketer, CRM expert
Leonid Shlyapnikov
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of a GSCM RANEPA Department, Head of the RusAgroMarket Holding, Managing Partner of the Russian Agency for Warehouse Service and Distribution (RASSD), creator of the Agroclub expert community
Choosing your future profession is a responsible step
Victoria Demina
Lecturer at the Graduate School of Corporate Management


GSCM undergraduate students have the opportunity to study abroad. We organize internships, field seminars, exchange programs with universities and business schools in Germany, Italy, Ireland, Spain, Greece, Poland, Finland, Bulgaria, China and India. International programs are partially funded by the faculty.

Frequently asked Questions:

Is there a need to pass additional entrance examinations for admission?
Additional tests are not carried out.
What was the admission score for the budget last year?
273 points - mathematics (core), foreign language, Russian.
Is it possible to continue studying at GSCM on a master's program after completing a bachelor's program?
Yes, it is. GSCM has a master's department with specialization in "Management".
Does the university provide a draft deferment? Yes, it does. Is it possible to transfer to GSCM from another university and what is required for this?
You can transfer no earlier than the end of the 1st semester. A transcript of the academic record must be provided.
What years of USE results can be used for admission in 2022?
You can enroll in 2022 based on the results of the Unified State Examination obtained no earlier than 2018.
Do I need to immediately leave the original certificate of academic achievement at the university?
The original is not required.
Can I pay for tuition in instalments?
Payment is made by semesters - 2 times a year.
What foreign language can I learn?
The principle foreign language is English, the second foreign language can be chosen by the student (German, Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese).
What documents do I need to submit to the Academy if I decide to apply?
  • Documents verifying identity, citizenship, confirming a Russian Federation citizenship (photocopy of the 1st page and the page with residence registration);
  • An application filled out on the website of the Academy;
  • Documents on academic achievement (original or photocopy): on secondary general education; on post-secondary education;
  • Documents confirming special rights upon admission and / or the creation of special conditions during entrance examinations, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Documents confirming students’ individual
  • achievements (original, photocopy); presented at the discretion of the applicant.
  • Personal Insurance Policy Number (SNILS)
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Program Administration

Contact us and we will answer all your questions
Svetlana Khmelnitskaya
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Programs of GSCM RANEPA, Associate Professor of the Department of International Commerce, Academic Director of the Master's Programs "Management of Logistics Systems and Processes" and "Supply Chain Management & Global Logistics University of London"
Maria Shulaeva
Deputy Director of Undergraduate Programs for Academic Work, Executive Secretary of the GSCM RANEPA Admissions Subcommittee
Artem Shaposhnikov
PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer at the Department of International Commerce at GSCM RANEPA, Academic Supervisor of the Bachelor's Program "Digitalization of Business and Electronic Commerce", General Director of SNEGIR SOFT LLC (a subsidiary of Rosneft), financier, marketer, CRM expert
Elena Zavorina
PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Company Management of GSCM RANEPA
Sofiko Demuria
Leading Specialist of the Undergraduate Directorate of GSCM RANEPA
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82 Prospekt Vernadskogo, building 4, office 500-500a (5th floor), Moscow, 119571
+7 (495) 564-84-67
+7 (905) 788-22-55
+7 (495) 937-02-99
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri from 10:00 to 19:00
82, buildings 4, 5, Prospekt Vernadskogo, 119571 Moscow